Ever Heard a French Song?

If you haven't this one is amazing. The bass is super deep and reverberate. I started listening to music in other languages to learn them in a fun way. Proud to say I can sing this whole song in french, sad to say I don't know what all the words mean. Myth Syzer is one of my favorite producers, they did an amazing job on this collaboration with Bonnie Banane. However, it's a great conversation starter with french speaking people, I've discovered through a few conversations that when she sings bon bon a la menthe, it could mean that she's sucking on a mint candy or sucking on the sweet lies of a partner.


  1. Learning a foreign language by listening to songs in that language, good idea. Even able to sing the song phonetically is an accomplishment :-) Beau travail!

  2. There are some gems in all languages even if we don't know the lyrics!

  3. That's a good way to learn a languages.

  4. I like this one french song I think the name is ALors Danse.

  5. Its beautiful how music is a universal language. Nice mellow track.

  6. One of my favorite songs is German!

  7. I've never heard if this before but that's cool.

  8. only foreign music I listen to before was Hispanic!
